Monday, February 11, 2013

Writer's Block and Why It Doesn't Exist

For those of you who don't know, I teach at the local university on occasion. I work, not surprisingly, in the English department. Specifically, I teach creative writing. While I'm not actually teaching a class this semester, I was asked to come in for a few days and talk to students at various phases in their education. One thing that always strikes me is how often students (and even seasoned writers) complain of the infamous writer's block.

Let me make one thing clear: I don't believe in writer's block. I simply cannot believe that anyone who calls themselves a writer (or who claims to want to be a writer) might sit down all ready to write and find themselves with nothing to say. How can that possibly be? Surely there are thoughts kicking around in your mind somewhere. Even if they have nothing to do with your current project. I've come to believe that writer's block has become the excuse a writer gives for pure laziness. This is not said with the intent of being malicious. We're all entitled to be lazy once in a while. I know I like having a lazy day here and there. But you'll never catch me trying to tell you that I'm doing anything other than being lazy.

But some people do really believe in writer's block. I know this because I argue with students about it all the time. And if you truly believe in writer's block, and believe that you're suffering from it, you might be having a tough time putting words on paper (or on the computer screen). If this describes you, there are some tried and true methods that can help you get in the habit of writing, which is the only thing that can really overcome writer's block.
  1. Place butt in chair. No, I'm not kidding. Glue yourself to your chair and get something done. Reading is not writing. Researching is not writing. Thinking is not writing. Getting a snack is certainly not writing. Sit down and do it.
  2. Why do you think I have a blog? Because I have nothing better to do? No. I have a blog (ten of them, actually), so I always have something to write. Nothing kills the desire to write like not writing, so I blog when I'm in the middle of research just to keep those creative juices flowing. So start a blog about anything you like and post no less than once a week. Even if no one reads it, you'll exercise those creative muscles. My blogs follow my passions, so use yours and have fun.
  3. Write 500 words a day, no matter what. No excuses. Think 500 sounds like a lot? I write 5000+. You shouldn't compare yourself to me or anyone else, but you need to write if you ever want to be able to say you're a writer. I write my 5000 words even if they're horrible. That's the magic of editing.
  4. Read. That's right. Pick up a book by an author you admire and read it. Let the flow of words inspire you. That doesn't mean taking their ideas, but inspiration can come from the way others use words, so read a good book.
  5. Have more than one project on the go at any one time. I write adult fiction, children's fiction, and non-fiction, and I have at least one project in each category. Everyone once in a while, a project does need to sit, but if you just stop writing, it'll be harder to start again. So move your efforts over to something else for a few days.
  6. Have a schedule. And now I hear the groans. But writers find time to write. If you can't find time to write, you're not a writer. You're just someone is playing around with the idea of being a writer, which is not at all the same thing. We all have distractions. I know I do. Kids, television, movies, kids, books I haven't read, kids, papers to mark, kids ... and did I mention the kids? But I've developed a very strict schedule for myself, and I follow it like clockwork. It's all well and good to say you're too creative for a schedule, but you'll never get anything done if you don't carve out the time. Make a writing date with yourself and stick to it.
Find a way to break the cycle and get writing. If you can do that, you are well on your way to writing a novel, or whatever your writing goal happens to be. Just don't fall into the trap of writing nothing, or nothing is all you'll ever write.